Tuesday 4 March 2008

Dancing through immanent fields of joy

Balancing on dark lines of the mind,
the Fool is awake
dancing through immanent fields of joy,
the conscious living streams
simple gestures in master teaching
the rose garden complexity
of true nature.
The colours emerging in the warmth
of the capital Sun,
a little flame enough
to find the fragile heart.
I am so tired of little dead spots
stealing our ancestral blue planet,
the One had to put up a mirrormachine
right in front of our broken noses,
too much white powder
made the airplanes fly on cornbread
filled with children’s blood,
the wires are whispering very loud.

Can you make a computer system
on the decomposing dead ?

Can the trees find enough energy to bloom in the future,
so I can be in meditation and lean against them faithfully?

Hold on to your own scale inside, don’t let this system
teach you,
before you know it you are working in the gold mines
of the corporation.
Just breath in
and just breath out
let it all go by with a trustful smile.

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