Wednesday 24 October 2007

Still I'm glad

Do not believe the chains, dance on!
Shame on your greed,
your dreams are nothing to me when I’m creating your universe every bleeding day. Did you see my wonderful rainbow shirt become a rag ?
The dust on my beaten mind and body is going back to the naked wilderness.

The unexplainable key fits in the healing rain,
the salt of this blue earth felt so many rounds
in your chemical maze of discontent.
The control freaks playing with their electronic foolish devices
the laziness got out of hand,
they are burning piles of dollars in a bed full of slaves
took of the skin of the prophets and left them in the burning sun.
The goddess was raped and cut in pieces in the screaming acid rain,
this world a dessert again used and abused.

Still I’m so glad I’m in love with a purple butterfly
flying above the wind between light and dark
come and visit me sometimes
when I’m listening to the yellow flowers in the park.

They made a sword to conquer the silver moon
and some other cosmic rocks in the illusionary space
an iron horse full of destroying flames is running much too fast
on his back a lost king and his blond plastic playboy bunny
searching for some misplaced attention in the void of love.

The robots and the greedy angels
are cold and in their ignorance
they are doing their monetary trickery
selling the same things in different shapes
to their mass of walking dead every other week
to keep their silly little shops profitable the next stressful day
leaving a pile of garbage for their children behind to die in
before they could grow strong in wisdom again,
a black virus invaded their beautiful lives,
you could call it a family affair.

Still I’m so glad I’m in love with a purple butterfly
flying above the wind between light and dark
come and visit me sometimes
when I’m listening to the yellow flowers in the park.

The people are lost in a big sleep addicted on little blue pills
thinking they are going somewhere lost in simple circles behind the bricks
flying around the world,
dark clouds behind them
on the road to the next modern whim
looking for a clue
but all they found were the dark clouds that made them fly so high.
They are dreaming of an ancient story in desperation and hope
and believe this is a planet full of tears,
and forgot the ecstatic saints deep inside,
afraid of the mystical dead
they are pissing poison in the joyful rivers of the One.

Right in front of their closed eyes the paradise is burning
waiting for you to come back home,
we better shine very quickly now
and grasp each other by the longing sacred heart.

Still I’m so glad I’m in love with a purple butterfly
flying above the wind
between light and dark
come and visit me sometimes
when I’m listening to the yellow flowers in the park.


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