Monday 4 August 2008

Literal Virtue, the natural thing

Lonely walks
through the dark streets
of desire,
with everlasting love inside.
Lonely thoughts
inside the wires
blending with the mystic warmth,
the transcendental light.
The Mirrormachine is holding on
to the breath we share,
staying just a little longer
to light the fuse of a snakes pit,
with digital precision
and an electronic smile
in centre of the heart.

From an ancient path some dynamical dust,
it’s dwelling on the shelves of the library
the labyrinth of quotation .
The seven deathly sins,
when natural consciousness is gone
into the illusion of things.

Wisdom to ask who am I ?
Justice for all
Sobriety, you are more than enough
I am, the reflection of I
Strength and acceptance without time and space
Trust (faith) the experience of the One
Hope to find yourself, the source of everyone
Without Love every rule is part of the tyranny(oppression)
charity, sharing bread and wine,
it is found by eternal giving,
the open mystery
without a beginning or an end(the paradox of thinking)
the heavenly elements
inside the silence of the Garden,
this crazy little paradise called love.

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