Witch dream for the prophets,little boys and girls are dealingin stardust,it's sad to see so much insecurityin a cosmic being.
Nature of thoughtsa dessert walk with John Lennonon a hiphop beat.Come together, right NOW.
After a certain amount of perfect lines,I tell you be free goddamned.I'm not waiting for a chain reactionit happened a long time ago,you have to do it on your own,your trying to becometogether with the One,we could call it community.There's a battle for the peacock throne right now.
So many streetlights are glowing in the dark.Low energy light bulbsin the silence, screaming their lungs out.
You know and I knowwe gonna get together one day,no matter what they say.That's what I call a fine line from John Lee.
When the Earthis meltingunderneath your thight ass !Do you have your stolen multi-million rocket ready ?For the ultimate gamble of your scam.Didn't you knowthe mother-ship has landed, secretly ?I know the place, it's so near you can't imagine,although it's right infront off your eyeshope you're bold enough to open them yourself,if not, FIND HELP !the solid breeze inside that can make every thing fly high,only the wise will know what that's all about.
Is the duty of a humandoing good to all beings ?Infinite consciousnessis not just a conclusion,it is a fact on another level,beyond time and spacethe blissful One.Everything is part of it, little dream.
Don't you thinkit's a dusty, dusty atmospherein these times of US,can't you imagine your dying every daythe funeral pyre will leave nothing but ashand maybe a few burned bones in the eternal river,your grandchildren playing in the cosmic field,making love.Maybe you will fix it to become a saintand your toenail end in a wooden boxin a beautiful churchfor the devotional insecure.Are we included when the next miracle is revealed ?
Lost in a vision,I'm just a fool.
A mass crucifixion today.Wild ones screaming their lungs out,what can you do againstthis opportunistic madness.Shaman dancegetting a bit higher now,I'm flying around the warlordsthey can feel my warm breathing on their backs,I can tell you they are scared as hell.
Too high,lily of the valley.Be.
My feet are clean and oiled,I always shall believe in walking another mileaware of the step I'm taking right now.The mirror machine is warming up !
It's hot todayyou could call it an oppressive atmospheremy chair is decomposing the hard notesback into an atonal melody,natural chaos of love.The seasons of mattertells me I have to brush my teethafter this I will put them in your warm thighand we disapearin the pink wind like a bunch of innocent virgins.(guild free your sins ain't mine, but I'm part of it anyway)
What's behind the eyes,after she was stoned.The people watched it with dry eyeson a big screen to see the details and believedit was the hand of God.rob said:"It's a psychotic mob."
Next station is an infinite onetrains are getting longertake time to know who you arein the struggle,can you get close to the wordsbeing awareness bliss ?The 4th state, the mysterythe only One you could call reality, all namesincluded in I am I.Shine a light sweetheart !
Still a little middle of the roadin an extreme change,stepping into the first momentthe eternal call.